Wednesday, April 25, 2012

72 hour kits - Food

This link includes a great list of food options for your 72 hour kits plus a meal planner worksheet
I would recommend filling out the planner worksheet with each child and helping them decide their menu. This will help avoid tantrums and arguments. And we all want less of those!

Here's some "food for thought" on the what to pack:

o       Low sugar – that last thing that you want to deal with is a hyper child. Fruit snacks and juice boxes included are high in sugar to ration or remove.

o       Include calorie dense foods – but they need to taste good. Check labels because what may seem high calorie may be just high sugar. Look for nutrient dense as well.

o       Foods need to be familiar to the child. They will not suddenly decide to eat a kashi bar and like it. Starving them out just means a lot of cranky fights and tantrums until the give in. If you think it’s something that they may like and would work try it now, numerous times before putting it in their bag.

o       Rationing- this is why the planner is so great – they will go through and eat all the M&M’s out of the trail mix and the granola bars and then whine and cry and refuse to eat anything else. Working on the planner together helps them understand and agree to when and what to eat. If you have younger children that can’t handle that – consider putting the food in your bag so you can ration it.

o       Bribery- you are going to need all the help you can get! Rewards will go a long way to helping ensure a harmonious environment. This may also be comfort food, but I recommend packing this in your bag to keep it as such, so they don't eat it as their snack.

o       WATER and filter – this is especially important if you are pregnant or nursing as your water needs are higher.

o       Pack a little more food than you need – kids may live off air and then suddenly eat you out of house and home. Plan for it

o       Remember food allergies and sensitivities – picky eaters and allergies are not what you want to be dealing with. Remember that the foods in other peoples packs may be more accessible to a child than usual so plan everyone’s food (if possible) to that child’s allergies to avoid problems.

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